Adding a New Church, Campus, or Location to your Tithely Account

If your organization has multiple campuses or ministries that fall under a different name you can create an additional church or campus under your Tithely account.

This is great for keeping things separate while being able to access them all in one place. You can customize each setting that you have set up for your main church/campus for your additional locations.

How to Add a New Church or Campus to Your Tithely Account

  1. Login to your Tithely account.
  2. Click the Global Menu (bottom left-hand corner).
    Screen Shot 2021-11-29 at 11.22.29 AM.png
  3. Select My Organization.
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  4. Select Locations.
  5. Click New Location + at the top right-hand corner.
  6. This will then take you to a new sign up page (This is similar to the original sign-up process and will connect to your existing account). 
  7. Complete all the steps. 
    Note: New locations can take up to 24 hours to show in the giving form and elsewhere in the giving area.
  8. Once completed, your newly created campus/location will show in your profile. 
    Note: You will need to add admins to view this location as you did with your original location. You as the account owner will have access to all accounts.


You must use the New Location + button to load the correct sign-up process. If you sign-up for a new Tithely account using prompts from any other location, your new campus/location will not be connected with your existing Tithely account.

This campus should automatically be enabled for deposits, so you are ready to use it as soon as it is created. This new church or campus will now be listed under Locations in the My Organization section with separate banking, legal, and giving information! A unique giving page will be created when creating a new church or campus. Each church or campus within your Tithely account will have its own giving page and giving link.