1) To sign up for a developer account, visit the following webpage and sign in with the Google account that will be the owner of the Android app. It is very important to use an account that will be able to manage users and privileges because the account which is used in this step will be the only account that can do certain things: https://play.google.com/apps/publish/signup
Note that Google specifically states: “If you are an organization, consider registering a new Google account rather than using a personal account.”
2) Once you sign in, Google will advise you to be sure that this is the correct account, and then at the bottom of the screen it will show you what needs to be done, which includes checking a box that you accept their terms, and then selecting the blue button in the bottom right to “Continue To Payment”. Unlike the Apple Developer Program which costs $99/year, the Google Developer Program has a one-time cost of $25. Important Note: Make sure the Account Type you are selecting is an Organization Account and not a Personal Account. We will not be able to publish apps under a Personal Account, only an Organization Account.
3) After entering your payment details and selecting the blue “Pay” button, you will most likely be prompted to enter additional details about your organization. Note that your “Developer Name” is what will show up below the app name, so you will most likely want that to involve your church name if possible.
4) Once your development account is set up and you can access the Google Play Console (http://play.google.com/apps/publish), you will need to give Tithely access to publish your app to your account.