Please Note: These instructions are for more advanced users. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Tithely Support. We'll be happy to help you out.
Embed an Image in the Text Area
The first step is to upload the images to the site so you're able to embed them on a specific page of the website.
- Login to the website.
- Click the ' + ' next to the Admin Menu top right of the website, and then click Pages in the drop-down.
- Name the page Image Uploads (or whatever you'd like).
- Next, navigate to File Downloads.
* Note if you are hoping to embed an image, your upload needs to be an image file type JPG, PNG, GIF.
- Click on Add File Attachment.
- Upload the image(s) you would like to embed in another area of the website.
- Save Page.
Note: if you've already created this page you can access this page through the Content section of the website and can edit the page each time you'd like to add another image/file.
Now that your images have been uploaded to the site, you are ready to embed of the photos
- Remain on the Photo Uploads page and navigate down to the Downloads section.
- Right-click on the image file you'd like to embed and click Copy Link Address.
- Navigate to the page you would like to embed the photo. While in the text editor, place your cursor where you'd like the embedded image to be placed, then click on the Insert/edit image button in the toolbar.
- A dialog box will appear where you will then paste the image link copied in (#2) into the Source field.
- Click Ok.
- Save Changes.
Embedding Images with Tithely Media
If you're using Tithely Media to manage your images, you can embed them directly into your text area as well:
- Locate the image you'd like to use in Tithely Media and click on the image you want to embed.
- Right-click on the "External Link" and copy the link address.
- In the text editor of the page on your website you're editing, place your cursor where you'd like the image.
- Click the Insert/Edit image button in the toolbar.
- Paste the copied link address into the "Source" field.
- Click "Ok" and then "Save Changes."