Image + Photo Dimensions on Sites

Helpful information about working with website images and photo dimensions on Sites.

When uploading an image to the site, regardless of if you have the right dimensions, the images will be cropped to fill the space.

Suggested dimensions can be found throughout the site in the same spot you see the option to upload an image. When in doubt, upload an image that is 1500px wide and use crop focusing to adjust how the image is displayed. Since Tithely Sites are mobile-friendly and responsive images will change shape when you view the website on iPhones, Androids and Tablets. We suggest using a generic image that will look good regardless of how it is resized.
📄 Learn more about Using Crop Focusing.


Important Note: Image File Upload Guidelines for Tithely Sites

When uploading images to Tithely Sites, please be mindful of the following guidelines to ensure your files are processed correctly:

1. File Types:
Only the following image file types are accepted:

2. File Size Limit:
Images must be less than 5MB in size. If your image is larger, you may need to resize or compress the file before uploading.

3. File Name Restrictions:
Tithely Sites cannot process images that contain special characters in the file names. Ensure that your file names only include standard alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9), underscores (_), and hyphens (-).

Examples of Bad File Names:
- `summer#2024@pic!.jpg`
- `family_photo(1).png`
- `new-church-pic$.jpeg`

Examples of Good File Names:
- `summer_2024_pic.jpg`
- `family_photo_1.png`
- `new-church-pic.jpeg`

By following these guidelines, you can avoid issues when uploading images to your Tithely Sites pages.


Suggested Dimensions for Images 

Images must be 5MB or less, including any images uploaded from Media for use on Sites. Tithely Sites are mobile-friendly and responsive. Due to this, images will change shape when you view the website on iPhones, Androids and Tablets. We suggest using a generic image that will look good regardless of how it is resized.

Area on Site

Dimensions in Pixels

Full-Width Static Page Header (including home page)

2000px wide

Banner images will be centered vertically and horizontally by default.

Ministries, News, Events, Blog, Sermons


1500px wide x 784px high

User/Staff Members

240px wide x 360px high (portrait orientation)

Gallery Block Layout 5

1115px wide x 372 px high


Legacy Scrolling Slideshow

1140px wide x 350px high

If you need to convert these dimensions into inches, the resolution is 96 pixels per inch. Please note that pixels don't always convert seamlessly to inches.

🌟 Tithely Tip

To optimize a block background image for mobile, make the graphic 760px wide x 680px high, and set the height to 50.

Video Overview of How Images Work in Blocks