Creating a Link to a PDF File

You can easily upload PDF's or Doc's throughout your site which become readily available at the bottom of each page once the files have been uploaded. If you are looking to create a direct link to your PDF or Doc in the text area of a page, follow the below instructions.

Please Note: These instructions are for more advanced users. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact Support and we'll be happy to help you out.


Files added to Sites, even on a password-protected page, are publically accessible and searchable on Google and other search engines. Do not upload files with sensitive data.

Stage 1: Create a New Page

Please Note: Only Administrators can create new pages.

  1. Login to your Tithely site. 

  2. Click the ' + '  next to the Admin Menu top right of the website, and then click "Pages" in the drop-down.

  3. Name the page "Files" or "Image Uploads" (or whatever you'd like).

  4. Next, navigate to File Downloads.

  5. Click on Add File Attachment.

  6. Upload the file you would like to link to.

  7. Save Page.

Note: You may already have a page similar to this if you have been embedding images into the text area. For more info on that click here.

  1. Remain on the page, navigate down to the Downloads section.

  2. Right-click on the file you'd like to embed and click Copy Link Address.

  3. Navigate to the page you would like to embed the photo. While in the text editor, highlight the text you'd like to turn into a link, then click on the Insert/edit link button in the toolbar.

  4. A dialog box will appear where you will then paste the link copied in into the Url field.

  5. Click Ok and your text will be hyperlinked.

🌟 Tithely Tip: If your link is too long (over 255 characters) you can use a free service like TinyURL to shorten the link length. Or, upload your PDF to a service like Google Drive or Dropbox for a shorter link length.