Looking to connect your Tithely giving to Salesforce? The Salesforce integration will simply push giving records from Tithely into your Salesforce account automagically for you. How often and to what funds these gifts record in Salesforce will be determined by the settings you have selected.
Please Note: The Salesforce Integration is designed to work with the Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) and facilitates sending data from Tithely Giving into Salesforce. For more information on the NPSP, click here.
User Permissions needed to access Integrations
Account Owner, Admin, or Limited Access with access granted to Administration. If you have additional questions, please reference this article.
Salesforce Integration Set Up
To set up the integration you will need your Salesforce Optional Custom Domain and the login information for Salesforce. Once you have this information you will need to,
Follow these steps to set up the Salesforce Integration for the first time:
Login to Tithely and select Giving from the Dashboard.
From the giving page click the Global Settings button (the Profile Icon) on the bottom left corner of the navigation and choose Integrations.
Find the Salesforce integration and click Install.
You will be redirected to a page that looks like this:
Stay on this page until the next pages loads, otherwise you will need to redo the setup of the integration again. Do not click on the links in this window as it will stall the setup.
Click the green button that says "Help Me Setup the Integration"
On the next page input your Salesforce Optional Custom Domain and click Connect to Salesforce and then Next. If your organization is using a custom domain, you'll need to enter it here and click 'Update Domain'. If you do not know the values for these settings, you will need to contact your Salesforce admin or tech support.
- You'll be prompted to enter your Salesforce login information and then allow Tithe.ly to access your Salesforce account. Click 'Allow'.
Choose the campuses you want to connect to through the integration and click Next.
Make selections for the campus settings (you can learn more about each of the settings in the Integration Campus Settings section below) and then click Next.
Confirm your selections and click Finish. If you need to make any changes click Edit beside each section.
Be sure to connect the rest of your Tithely Funds to Salesforce so that the giving syncs properly to the correct funds. Either click the "For more settings, check out fund maps" link or follow the instructions below, to configure fund mapping. If you have multiple campuses, you will need to connect funds for each campus.
Depending on the settings you selected under Salesforce Batch Giving, you will see the most recent deposit sync and show in the dashboard if you selected Deposit or if you have Daily selected it will bring over the last 30 days of transactions.
Integration (Campus) Settings
Follow these steps to make changes to the campus settings:
Login to Tithely and select Giving from the Dashboard.
From the giving page click the Global Settings button (the Person Icon) on the bottom left corner of the navigation and choose Integrations.
Enter the Salesforce integration by clicking the Configure button on the Integrations page.
Click the campus name you wish to work with under Manage Campus on the left navigation panel.
This will open the Campus Settings where you can make adjustments to the integration. View the chart below for a list of all the options and functionality available. The options selected on this page autosave.
If you have multiple campuses you will need to set up the campus settings for each campus location. Each campus's settings must be configured and the enable campus toggled to active before syncing of that location's data to Salesforce will occur.
Options Available Under Campus Settings
Enable Campus |
This turns on the integration between Tithely and Salesforce for this campus. If it is inactive no transactions from this campus will pass over into Salesforce. If its active transactions for this campus will push into Salesforce. By default this is set to disabled. |
Enable Emails |
If active the email addresses provided in the field below will receive an email every time that Tithely pushes giving into Salesforce, if an error occurs, and if the integration becomes disabled. |
Default Salesforce GAU |
The default fund you select will be used in the case that giving gets recorded to a fund in Tithely and you have not mapped a Salesforce fund up to it before the giving synchs into Salesforce. |
Email Notification Addresses |
If you have enable emails active above, you can update the notification email addresses that will receive emails. Use a comma-separated list of emails to send to multiple recipients. |
Include Campus in Batch Name |
If you would like the specific campus name to populate in the batch name in Salesforce select yes. This is helpful if you have multiple campuses being recorded in Salesforce and want to differentiate easily between the batches. |
Connections / Fund Mapping
Connections is where you will find your Connect Funds and Connect Donors options. Connect Funds gives you the ability to map your Tithe.ly funds with the funds in your Salesforce account. While Connect Donors allows you to make updates to the connection of people between Tithely and Salesforce to ensure that gifts are being mapped properly to the correct person in Salesforce.
For instance, you may have a Tithe.ly giving fund named Youth Missions and want all transactions for that fund to be recorded to the Missions Fund in Salesforce. If you do not map your funds, all gifts pushed into Salesforce will be recorded to the default fund selected as the Default Salesforce Fund in the Campus Settings.
Anytime you make changes to your funds in Tithely, or in Salesforce, you will want to reconfigure the fund mapping within the integration.
To configure fund mapping, follow these steps:
Login to Tithely and select Giving from the Dashboard.
From the giving page click the Global Settings button (the Profile Icon) on the bottom left corner of the navigation and choose Integrations.
Access the Salesforce integration by clicking the Configure button on the Integrations page.
Click the campus name you wish to work with under Manage Campus on the left navigation panel.
Scroll down to the bottom of the Campus Settings and find the Connections section, click on the green Connect Funds button.
Select the green Refresh button to update the funds list and make sure its current.
Link each Tithely fund to a specific fund in Salesforce.
Once you have connected all of the funds click the green Save button.
Then click the Back to Locations Settings at the top of the screen.
Connect Donors
Connect Donors gives you the ability to map donors to donors in Salesforce. This is useful when the integration is unable to find the matching donor in Salesforce because of a difference in name or other key information that prevents an exact match.
Rather than dealing with duplicate records being created on a regular basis you can manually map that Tithe.ly donor to the correct Salesforce donor by specifying the Salesforce ID value for that record.
To configure donor mapping, follow these steps:
Login to Tithely and select Giving from the Dashboard.
From the giving page click the Global Settings button (the Profile Icon) on the bottom left corner of the navigation and choose Integrations.
Access the Salesforce integration by clicking the Configure button on the Integrations page.
Click the campus name you wish to work with under Manage Campus on the left navigation panel.
Scroll down to the bottom of the Campus Settings and find the Connections section, click on the green Connect Donors button.
Type in either the first name, last name, or email of a donor
Click search.
Once the donor has populated, enter the Salesforce donor id and then click then click the green Update Donor Mapping button.
*We recommend that you audit integrations on a bi-weekly basis to ensure that everything is working accordingly and no donations are incorrectly syncing
Integration Dashboard
An entry is created in the Dashboard any time data is sent by the integration (Tithely) to Salesforce. The dashboard serves as a history for you to cross-reference and reconcile what giving came into Tithely compared to what giving was sent to Salesforce.
You'll see your dashboard load once we have completed sending your first batch over. From then on, once a night we will sync any new deposits to Salesforce.
Login to Tithely and select Giving from the Dashboard.
From the giving page click the Global Settings button (the Person Icon) on the bottom left corner of the navigation and choose Integrations.
Find the Salesforce integration and click Configure.
Select Dashboard on the left Navigation panel.
a. You will see a list of synchs we've made to Salesforce.
b. Use the search bar at the top to search synchs (or batches) made by location or gross amount of gift, simply hit Enter on your keyboard to trigger the search. To reset the view, clear the search text and hit Enter again.
c. To see the transactions within a specific sync (batch) click the blue number under the 'records' column.
d. Will show you the date and time of the most recent synch to Salesforce. -
If you would like to see a list of all individual transactions rather, than synchs (or batches), sent to Salesforce click the See all Transactions. This will show all Individual transactions, not grouped by batch/synch.
a. You will see a list of all individual transactions we've sent to Salesforce.
b. Use the search bar at the top to search transactions made by location, donor's name, gross or net amount of gift, and then simply hit Enter on your keyboard to trigger the search. To reset the view, clear the search text and hit Enter again.
c. To return to the synchs (or batches) click the Return to Dashboard at the top.
Update Optional Custom Domain
Sometimes you may change the Optional Custom Domain for your Salesforce account.
To update the Salesforce Optional Custom Domain follow these steps:
Login to Tithely and select Giving from the Dashboard.
From the giving page click the Global Settings button (the Person Icon) on the bottom left corner of the navigation and choose Integrations.
Enter the Salesforce integration by clicking the Configure button on the Integrations page.
Click the Settings on the left hand side navigation bar.
Scroll down to Integrations and click Update Credentials.
Update the Salesforce Optional Custom Domain and click Connect to Salesforce.
What Syncs with SalesForce?
Tithely Donations (Credit/Debit) | Yes |
Tithely Donations (ACH) | Yes |
Admin Batch Giving (Cash/Check) | No |
Tithely Pledges (Transactions) | Yes |
Tithely Pledges (*Data) | No |
Tithely Events | Yes |
Tithely Pay | No |
Note: If the integration is unable to match with an existing contact in Salesforce when a transaction is synced, a new user will be available to import as a contact.
*Data refers to the amount a donor has pledged and how much has been contributed to that pledge. For example, if a user has set a pledge amount in Tithely this will not reflect in the receiving platform. Contributions to their Tithely pledge will be recorded as regular donations in the receiving platform.
Data Importation Process with Salesforce Integration
Salesforce Integration with Tithely leverages the Salesforce API to seamlessly import Tithe.ly transactions and deposits. The process utilizes the Data Import
and Data Import Batch
objects within Salesforce. Here's what you need to know:
Staging Records: These import objects function as staging records in Salesforce. It's like having a checkpoint, ensuring that the data you're importing is correct before it moves to its final destination, the Opportunities and Batches in Salesforce.
Data Verification: This setup resembles importing data from CSVs or spreadsheets into Salesforce. But with the integration, you get an added layer of control. Before finalizing the data input, you can review to ensure everything is in order.
Automation with APEX: If you're looking to further streamline this process, you can automate the data verification process. How? By using APEX jobs. If you're inclined to adopt this technical approach, this article will guide you on creating a post-import APEX job tailored for your imports. However, caution: Ensure you've thoroughly reviewed and confirmed the data format and field mapping before implementing automation.
Reference Articles: There are Salesforce articles that delve deeper into the nuances of data import. If you're interested:
- Standard NPSP Data Import Fields: This provides detailed information about the fields in the NPSP Data Import object, how they map to target NPSP objects, and other related data.
- How the Import Process Works: Get a comprehensive step-by-step look into the Salesforce data import process.
Uninstall the Integration
If you no longer wish to use the Salesforce integration you can uninstall it.
To uninstall the Salesforce Integration follow these steps:
Login to Tithely and select Giving from the Dashboard.
From the giving page click the Global Settings button (the Person Icon) on the bottom left corner of the navigation and choose Integrations.
Find the Salesforce integration on the Integrations page and click the trash can in the upper left corner.