Installing the Shelby Arena Integration


This is for Shelby Arena ONLY. Shelby Next not supported at this time.

  1. Log in to your Tithely account and click the Global Settings menu ( Screen_Shot_2022-11-10_at_11.04.03_AM.png ) at the bottom left corner. 
  2. Select Integrations from the Global Settings menu.
  3. Click on the Shelby integration from the Integrations page.
    When you install the integration for the first time, you'll see a setup screen.
  4. The first step is to ensure your organization is enabled on the Organization Settings page. Click the link in the Setup area to open the page. 
  5. The second step is to register your Shelby credentials. From the Organization Settings page, click Update Credentials (see image above).
  6. Enter your Shelby Arena domain in the first field. The username, password, contribution API key, and contribution API secret values will all be retrieved from your Shelby Arena instance. Once they're entered, click Connect to Shelby and wait for the green checkmark.
  7. Next, update your campus settings.

Shelby Arena Campus Settings

Some organizations have multiple locations, churches, or campuses - collectively referred to going forward as "Campuses."
Each campus has its own configurable settings. Follow these steps to modify your campus settings.

  1. Enter the integration by clicking the Configure button on the Integrations page to enter the integration. (Global Settings > Integrations > Click Configure on the Shelby Integration).
  2. Click the campus name you wish to work with under Manage Campus on the left navigation panel.
  3. If you have more than one campus, you will see settings for each campus. Each campus's settings must be configured before syncing of that location's data will occur.
  4. Enable (or disable) the campus. By default, they are all disabled when you first install the integration.
  5. Enable/disable email notifications for this campus.
  6. Enter the email address (or multiple addresses separated by a comma) that should receive notifications for this campus.
  7. The Campus ID and Name values come from your Shelby Arena instance and are the campus you want deposits from this Tithely campus to be associated with.
  8. Member Status ID and Value come from your Shelby Arena instance and normally reflect that records come from Tithely in Shelby.
  9. Record Status ID and Value come from your Shelby Arena instance and are how the status you want Tithely records to come over.
  10. Currency Type ID and Value come from your Shelby Arena instance and are the associated currency for Tithely records sent over.

Campus Donor/Fund Mapping in Shelby Arena

Donor Mapping

Donor mapping allows you to map Tithely donors to people in Shelby.
This is useful when the integration cannot find the matching donor in Shelby because of a difference in the name or other key information that prevents an exact match.
Rather than dealing with duplicate records being created regularly, you can manually map that Tithely donor to the correct Shelby person by specifying the Shelby ID value for that record.

To configure Donor mapping, follow these steps.

  1. Click the desired location's Connect Donors button.

Search for the Tithely Donor by any combination of first name, last name, or email address

For each record, you wish to map, enter the Shelby person id and then click 'Update Donor Mappings' to save any changes.


Fund Mapping

Fund mapping allows you to map your Tithely giving type with your Shelby funds.
For instance, you may have a Tithely giving type named General Fund and want all transactions for that fund to be added to the Income: Tithes fund in Shelby.
To configure fund mapping, follow these steps.

  1. Click the desired location's Connect Funds button

By default, only active Tithely funds are shown. Click the show all funds link to include inactive funds.

If you update your Tithely giving types or Shelby funds, we'll pull those in automatically each night when we look for records. However, if you want to force the system to update immediately, click the Refresh fund names and accounts link. It may take a couple of minutes to pull all values. Refreshing the page should then show any renames or additions you have made.

By default, when you set up a campus, you select a Default Shelby Fund. This will be used when no fund map exists.

If a new account is selected for an existing fund, previous records will not be changed, and only future synchronization of deposits will reflect the change.

We will automatically send over your first transactions within a day. You'll see your dashboard update once we send your first transaction over. From now on, once a night, we will sync any new transactions to Shelby.

Activity Dashboard in Shelby Arena

An entry in the Activity Dashboard is created the integration sends any time data to Shelby. You can access your Activity Dashboard with the Dashboard link in the side navigation panel.

There are various things that can happen when trying to send data:

  1. Found one or multiple Tithely transactions and sent them successfully to Shelby. Details are available for viewing.

  2. Found zero Tithely transactions since the last successful run. A "No event was found" notice is displayed. These empty entries are hidden to avoid cluttering the dashboard.

  3. Authentication error - your connection to Shelby needs to be updated.

  4. An error occurred. The Integrations Team receives a notice about all errors from the integration. If your configuration settings appear correct and the error has not been resolved in a few days, don't hesitate to contact us.

Deposit Details

The Activity Dashboard lets you view specific details about the deposit data sent to Shelby.
To view details, follow these steps.

  1. Click the Dashboard link on the side navigation.

  2. To see the deposits for a specific sync, click the number under the 'records' column.

If you want to look up information by individual transaction, click the number under the Transactions column.

You can also click "See all deposits" on the dashboard to see a list of all deposits that have been sent or are pending being sent.

Dashboard Filtering

Activity Dashboard entries will grow each time new data is sent to Shelby. We provide a way to find specific transactions by searching either for the net amount of the transaction or the name of the campus. The same field is used for both searches.

Campus Name Search

  1. Enter the name of a campus in the search field.

  2. Hit Enter on your keyboard.

  3. Data associated with campuses that contain the entered text will be shown.

  4. To reset the view, clear the search text and hit Enter again or click the Activity Dashboard link in the top navigation.


Gross Amount Search

  1. Enter an amount in the search field.

  2. Hit Enter on your keyboard.

  3. Sync Activity that includes records matching that gross amount will be shown.

  4. To reset the view, clear the search text and hit Enter again or click the Activity Dashboard link in the top navigation. 


What Syncs with Shelby?

Tithely Donations (Credit/Debit) Yes
Tithely Donations (ACH) Yes
Admin Batch Giving (Cash/Check) No
Tithely Pledges (Transactions) Yes
Tithely Pledges (*Data) No
Tithely Events Yes
Tithely Pay No

Note: When a transaction is synced with Shelby a new user will be created if the integration is unable to match with an existing user in Shelby.

*Data refers to the amount a donor has pledged and how much has been contributed to that pledge. For example, if a user has set a pledge amount in Tithely this will not reflect in the receiving platform. Contributions to their Tithely pledge will be recorded as regular donations in the receiving platform.