Activity & Quick Actions in the Apps Dashboard

While viewing your Apps Dashboard you have a few key areas. At the top, you have quick Metrics to give you a glance at your app's usage. The other two areas allow you to view Activity that shows you what actions have been taken on your app and the bottom section, Quick Actions, allows you to publish Push Notifications or Prayer Requests. We will cover the Activity and Quick Actions in this article. 

Activity Feed

Your Activity Feed will show you what events have occurred on the app recently. 


The activity shown could be when an event is coming up, a social media post is published, a Livestream was added, and much more. Here is a list of items displayed on the Activity feed.

  • Prayer Wall Request/Comments
  • Notifications 
  • Events
  • Podcasts
  • Livestream/Sermon
  • Video
  • Blog

Quick Actions Sending Push Notifications 

  1. Log into Tithely as an Apps Admin.
  2. Select Apps.
  3. Select Dashboard.
    Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 2.41.35 PM.png
  4. Select Create New Notification on the Quick Actions side bar.
  5. Enter a Title for your Push Notification. 
  6. Enter a Message for your Push Notification.
  7. Select Send Notification
    Note: This will send your notification immediately. To schedule or separate notifications by groups check out this article: Sending Push Notifications.