Overview of Tithely Sites Users/People and Groups

An overview of Organization Groups and users, how to add, edit and delete groups, add a new user, set permissions, and assign a user to a group.

Does your church have a Tithely account?

If your church already has a Tithely account, we recommend managing site access by adding Limited Access users with site permissions in your Tithely Dashboard. For further information, see Managing User Access for Tithely Sites.

Add a New User

Stage 1: Add a User Profile 

  1. Login to your Tithely account and select Sites from the left menu. Or login to your site directly.
  2. Click on the Admin button at the top right of your website and select People/Users from the dropdown.
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  3. Click Add People/User.
  4. Enter their basic information, including:
    Name, Title, Email Address, Set a Password, and upload a profile image. 

    Important Note: All users that have an email added require a password.

    • If the user does not need access to the website but they're a staff member, and you'd like them displayed on a staff page using the User block, add a password but do not share it with them. 

    • The only users that need a password are Admins or those that have permission to edit specific areas of the website.
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  5. Click Save Profile. Your page will reload and open the new person's profile settings page. 

Stage 2: Profile Settings - Organization Groups and Permissions

Profile Settings include contact information, photo, address, privacy settings, user permissions, organization groups, biography, and where an admin can change a user's password. 

  1. After following steps 1-5 above, Select Groups from the left side menu. 
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  2. Check off which groups the person belongs to and click Save Groups.
    If you need to add or edit Organization Groups, click Manage Organization Groups.
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  3. Next, select Permissions from the side menu. 
    ❗ Important Note: The Account Owner and Admin Users of a Tithely account can access the website directly from within the dashboard by using the Sites link in the left-side menu. However, they will only be able to access the website if they have also been added as a Site Admin on the website. If they haven't been added as a Site Admin, clicking on the Global Menu's Sites link will cause the Menu to disappear. If encountering this error, add Website Admin permissions to the Tithely Admin user. Screen_Shot_2022-07-06_at_2.30.41_PM.png
  4. Select the areas of the website this person should have permission over. Click Save Permissions. 
  5. It is recommended that you email the user with their new login information.  
    Note: The user will not automatically receive an email that he/she has been signed up as a user.

Send a User a Login Email

Workflow in the video below at 2:54. 

  1. To send any user on the website a login email, navigate to Admin.
  2. Next, select People/Users
  3. Next to the individual you'd like to send a login email to, select the More option. 
  4. From the dropdown, click Send Login Email

Organization Groups

Groups are used to associate a person with different groups.
The default groups on your site are Staff, Elder, and Speaker. 
When a user is assigned to either the Staff or Elder Group, you can use a User Block type to display users in those groups.

How to Edit, Add and Delete Groups

Please Note: You cannot delete the Speaker group as it is used in the sermon player and podcasting feature. 

  1. Login to your Tithely account and select Sites from the left menu. Or login to your site directly.
  2. Click on the Admin button at the top right of your website and select Settings from the dropdown.
  3. Select Organization Groups in the left side menu.
  4. To edit, click the pencil icon to the right of a group. Rename your group and click Save Group.
    To delete, click the pencil icon to the right of a group. Click Delete. 
    To create a new group, click New Group. Name your new group and click Save Group. 

Each group added will display in the User Group area.

Staff Pages using People Blocks

If you want to create a staff page, you can do so by adding People Blocks to any page. 
For a full overview of using People Blocks, see Adding Staff Blocks to Your Site

Video Walkthrough

The video below will guide you through adding users to your website, including information on organization groups, permissions, passwords and how to send a login email. As well we dive into People Blocks, how to add and edit People blocks and setting up a Staff/Team page. 
Tithely Tip: You can use the chapters in the video to quickly navigate to the information you need.