Adding a Link to Your Latest Newsletter

If you would like an easy way for people to able to view your past Newsletters, you can create a menu button (either in your Main menu or your Sub-navigation) that will bring people to your most recent Email Newsletter, with the option to view additional "Recent Issues". 

  1. Login to your Tithely account and select Sites from the left menu. Or login to your site directly.
  2. Click on the Admin button at the top right of your website and select Menus from the dropdown.
  3. Decide which menu you'd like your newsletters link on, either your main menu, topbar, or footer from the Site Menus area on the left. Click Add Link. 
  4. Enter your menu item label. This is what the menu item will read as. 
    In the Link area, enter /newsletters/latest
    Select your visibility. 
  5. Click Save Link. 


Only Newsletters set to public will have the option to view your latest newsletter. Additionally, for your past newsletters to appear on the "Recent Issues" dropdown menu, the "Add new subscribers to the list" must also be checked.

User Permissions needed to access Sites
Account Owner, Admin, Limited Acess User with permissions granted for Sites, or Admin Permissions granted directly on the Tithely Site. If you have additional questions, please reference this article.