Newsletter Stats & Deliverability Report

This article explains how to view the deliverability report of Newsletters emailed from your Site. This will allow you to view those in your Newsletter Subscriptions list who are actively interacting with your emailed Newsletters, as well as see those who are not opening the Newsletters or may not be receiving them at all. This is a great resource that allows you to view the engagement with your Newsletters as well as see any email addresses that might need to be updated due to failed delivery attempts.  

How to view Newsletter Stats

  1. Login your Tithely  account and select Sites from the left menu. Or login to your site directly.
  2. Click on the Admin button at the top right of your website and select Newsletter from the dropdown.
  3. Click on the row, over the Stats, of a newsletter that has been sent to view the Stats for the specific Newsletter
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  4. To view the individual stats of each email, scroll down the list of recipients. Click the dropdown next to "Filter" (as shown below) to filter out by deliverability status.
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By following the instructions provided in this article, you can view the email deliverability status of individual recipients of your Newsletters. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please reach out to our support team.