Print a Newsletter

For the few in your church who don't have an email address, or prefer a paper copy of your email newsletter, you can print off copies for them. 

  1. Login to your Tithely account and select Sites from the left menu. Or login to your site directly.
  2. Click on the Admin button at the top right of your website and select Newsletter from the dropdown.
  3. Select the newsletter you want to send a copy of by clicking the title.
  4. Select View Email in the top right of the newsletter.
  5. Click on the printer icon.
    Important Note: You will only see this option with a newsletter that has been scheduled, or sent.
    Your web browser's print dialogue box will open. You may see a print preview.
    All the buttons in the email newsletter will be changed to links that could be typed into their web browser.

User Permissions needed to access Sites
Account Owner, Admin, Limited Acess User with permissions granted for Sites, or Admin Permissions granted directly on the Tithely Site. If you have additional questions, please reference this article.