Updating Your Deposit Schedule and Statement Descriptor Settings

Deposit and Statement Settings is where your Deposit Schedule and Statement Descriptor are set. Follow the instructions below to learn how to access and update these settings.

User Permissions needed to access Giving 
Account Owner, Admin, or Limited Access with access granted to the Giving Product. If you have additional questions please reference this article.

How to Update Your Deposit Schedule and Statement Settings

  1. Login to your Tithely account and select Giving.

  2. Select Settings.

  3. Select Deposit and Statement Settings.
  4. If you have multiple locations, select the one that you are updating settings for and all setting changes will apply to the selected location.

  5. Select Deposit and Statement Settings.

  6. Update your Deposit Schedule, which can be changed to weekly or monthly.
    Note: To set your bank deposit to daily please email your request to priority@tithe.ly.


    Changing your deposit schedule may cause a delay in your deposits. Please allow additional time for deposits when making updates to your deposit schedule. Learn more about how often funds are deposited. 

    An update includes a two-day delay before the next payout. This means that if you're hoping to receive a deposit sooner, the new day you select should be at least two full days away. For example, if today is Monday and you adjust your schedule, the earliest your next deposit could arrive would be on Wednesday.


Update Your Statement Descriptor


  1. Login to your Tithely account and select Giving.

  2. Select Settings.

  3. Select Deposit and Statement Settings.
  4. Scroll down to Statement Descriptor, and enter your new descriptor. 

    This will be the description that your donors see on their bank or credit card statements.
    Please Note: Statement descriptors must be 5 to 22 characters, will be displayed in all caps, cannot use the special characters <, >, ', or ", and must not consist solely of numbers.


  5. Select Save Changes.