View Your Tithely Pledge Dashboard

Welcome, donors! This guide is crafted specifically for you, providing a clear pathway to access and navigate the Tithely Pledge Dashboard. By following these instructions, you'll find it easier than ever to view, manage, and make new pledges to your church or organization through the Tithely platform.

Why Log In?
Accessing your Tithely Donor account when viewing or setting up a pledge streamlines the process significantly:

  • Auto-fill Personal Details: Quickly populate your personal information directly from your donor profile.
  • Seamless Payment Method Access: Utilize your saved payment methods for a hassle-free pledge setup.

Setting up a Pledge

When setting up a pledge, logging in to your donor account will automatically fill in your personal details and give you access to your existing payment methods.

How to Login to View Your Pledge Dashboard

  1. On the pledge form, click the Login button in the top right corner of the page.

    This will take you to a screen where you can log in with your Tithely credentials or by having a login link emailed to you.
    Login to Pledge.gif

  2. Once logged in, you can see your pledge dashboard and access your payment methods.

    If you have an existing pledge for the campaign, you'll be taken straight to your pledge dashboard (image on the left).

    You'll be taken to the pledge form if you have not created a pledge.