A campaign webpage is essential to a successful pledge campaign. This is the page a donor is taken to when linked from social media posts, QR Codes, or any other source. We make it easy for you to customize. One of the first things you'll want to do after creating a Pledge Campaign is to make it easy for your church members to access. People can access your pledge campaign through either a dedicated webpage that Tithely provides, or by embedding the pledge tool into your own website. Follow the steps below for details about both methods!
User Permissions needed to access Giving
Account Owner, Admin, or Limited Access with access granted to the Giving Product. If you have additional questions please reference this article.
Customize Your Pledge Campaign URL
Login to your Tithely account.
Click on Giving in the left-hand menu.
Select Pledge Campaigns from the Giving menu.
Find and click on the campaign you'd like to link and embed.
Click on Webpage. (This area of Pledge Campaigns allows you to manage how the campaign is shared and displayed.)
The Campaign Address (URL) section is where you can customize the URL for the campaign webpage. Here you have control over both the campaign slug and the church slug.
Helpful Definition: A Slug is the unique identifying part of a web address, typically at the end of the URL.Update your Campaign Address URL.
Below, the Webpage URL is generated from the "churchname" (church slug) and "campaignname" (campaign slug).
Example: http://campaigns.tithely.com/churchname/campaignname-
In the event of an error: If you encounter a conflict where another church has already used the church-slug/campaign-slug combination, for example mosaicchurch/building-campaign, you can change either the church slug or campaign slug until you find a combination that has not been used.
- Click Save Changes.
Please Note: You can use different church slugs for different campaigns, so if you really want to use a specific campaign slug, don't be concerned that you are locking yourself into a specific church-slug for all future campaigns. You can also change the campaign slug and church slug at any time and we will handle forwarding for you. This means that if you create printed materials with a church slug/campaign slug combination and then need to change, the old one will still forward to the correct webpage.
Pledge Campaign Embed Code
Login to your Tithely account.
Click on Giving in the left-hand menu.
Select Pledge Campaigns from the Giving menu.
Find and click on the campaign you'd like to link and embed.
Click on Webpage.
The Embed Code section is where you can copy the embed code to paste to your website. To copy the code, click Copy Embed Code and paste it where applicable on your website.
Customizing Your Campaign Webpage and Embed Code
Login to your Tithely account.
Click Giving on the left-hand menu.
Select Pledge Campaigns.
Click on the campaign that you'd like to customize.
Next, click on Webpage.
The Webpage section allows you to customize what content is shown on the campaign webpage. You are able to toggle different elements ON and OFF in order to customize what is displayed.
- Make sure to click the Save Changes button to save your customized settings.
Webpage Display Settings
The Featured Video can be hidden altogether or can be shown as a thumbnail in the upper left-hand corner of the page. You can add or edit the featured video used on the Details Section under Media.
The Campaign Thumbnail can be displayed in place of the Featured Video by toggling the Featured Video OFF and toggling the Campaign Thumbnail ON. Also, if no video is set, but the Featured Video is toggled ON, a thumbnail will be displayed in place of a video. You can add or edit the featured video used on the Details Section under Media.
- Note: Images used for campaigns are mobile-friendly and responsive. Due to this, images will change shape when you view the website on computers, iPhones, Androids and Tablets. We suggest using a generic image that will look good regardless of how it is resized.
The Campaign Banner (image on the left) is displayed behind the Featured Video or Thumbnail (whichever has been toggled ON) as well as behind the white details box on the right. There are two instances where the banner will be hidden (image on the right). One, if you toggle it OFF, and two, if you have chosen to display a Thumbnail given that the Banner and Thumbnail are the same images. You can add or edit the featured video used on the Details Section under Media.
The Give A One Time Donation button, if toggled ON, will cause a "Give a One Time Donation" button to be shown below the "Make A Pledge" button. If pressed, the one time donation button will open the Giving form as opposed to the Pledge Form since the donor has opted to make a donation instead of a pledge. The Giving form will, however, automatically select the fund for the campaign.
The Full Description is simply the heading and body of the description. You can add or edit the full description used on the Details Section under Campaign description.
The last customizable setting is the Share Option that can be toggled OFF so that no share options show at all.
Social Sharing Settings
You can customize the Social Sharing section by toggling ON and OFF which individual types of sharing you'd like to be supported.
Customize Styling of Pledge Webpage
Login to your Tithely account.
Click Giving on the left-hand menu.
Select Pledge Campaigns.
Click on the campaign that you'd like to customize.
Click Details.
Make changes to Campaign Details, Media, Campaign Descriptions and Styles and make sure to save changes for each section.