Keywords in Messaging

With Keywords, anyone at your church can text your set keywords or reply to an email with the keyword in the subject line and receive the custom response you’ve set up. You can also link a form or action to add a member to a specified group with the keyword response. In the article below, we'll guide you in creating and archiving keywords, submissions and requests. 

User Permissions needed to access Messaging
Account Owner, Admin, or Limited Access with access granted to Messaging. If you have additional questions, please reference this article.

How to Create a Keyword

Please Note: Automated responses to keywords counts towards your monthly allotment for text messages.


  1. Login to your Tithely account.

  2. Select Messaging from the left-hand menu.

  3. Select Keywords from the Messaging menu.

  4. Click the Create New Keyword button

  5. Enter the keyword details:

    Important Note: You cannot use Carrier Keywords in Messaging.

    • Keyword

    • Description

    • Optional: Custom Message

  6. Toggle the options to send a Form or add to a Group.

    Important Note: Once "Send a Form" is toggled-on and saved, the form cannot be turned off (toggled off) for the keyword.

  7. Select the fields you would like to include in the form (if the form is selected)

  8. Click the checkbox next to the list(s) you'd like the person to be added to (if the form is selected).

  9. Add your message.
    Please Note: The message will display after the form has been submitted

  10. Click the green Create Keyword button to create a keyword.
    Please Note: You can view your message as an SMS or Form preview.

What are Carrier Keywords?

Carrier Keywords are pre-defined words or phrases that are recognized by mobile carriers and used to trigger specific actions or responses in SMS (Short Message Service) communication. These keywords are often associated with certain services or features offered by the carrier, such as subscribing to a content service, checking your account balance, or stopping a service.

Here are some examples of common Carrier Keywords that you might encounter:

  • "STOP" or "UNSUBSCRIBE": Used to cancel or unsubscribe from a service or content subscription.
  • "HELP" or "INFO": Used to request information about a service or to get help with an issue.
  • "YES" or "CONFIRM": Used to confirm a subscription or purchase.

It's important to note that Carrier Keywords may vary by carrier and country, and not all carriers support the same set of keywords. 

How Would a Church Member or Visitor Use a Keyword?

SMS: Text a Keyword to the church messaging number. 

Email: Reply to an email with a Keyword in the subject line. 

How to Archive a Keyword

  1. Login to your Tithely Admin account.

  2. Select Messaging from the left-hand menu.

  3. Select Keywords from the Messaging menu.

  4. Click the keyword you would like to archive.

  5. Click the button with the 3 dots to show more options.
    Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 3.08.54 PM.png

  6. Click Archive Keyword to archive the keyword.

Tithely Tip

You are able to unarchive Keywords by following the above steps and selecting to unarchive.

What Is a Keyword Request?

The Request column in Keywords displays how many people have texted that Keyword to your churches messaging number.

What is a Keyword Submission?

The Submission column in Keywords displays form submissions. If you have created a Keyword that has a form, the number of people who have sent in that Keyword and completed a form submission will display in this column.

How to View and Keyword Requests and Submissions

  1. Login to your Tithely account.

  2. Select Messaging from the left-hand menu.

  3. Select Keywords from the Messaging menu.