Blast Stats allow you to quickly and effortlessly see how your blasts are doing. Use search and filters to narrow down your blasts, and see how your blasts have performed with details like delivered, clicked, read, and bounced. With Blast Stats, you can compare your SMS and email blasts to see which ones are being better received. Discover how to interpret key metrics, such as delivery rates and engagement levels, to optimize your communication strategies effectively.
User Permissions needed to access Messaging
Account Owner, Admin, or Limited Access with access granted to Messaging. If you have additional questions, please reference this article.
How to View All Blasts
Select Messaging from the left-hand menu.
Select Blasts from the Messaging menu.
At a quick glance, view the following details on every Blast:
Title along with whether it's an SMS or Email Blast
Status: Scheduled, Draft, Sent, Sending, Archived
Delivery Status: Delivered, Clicked, Read, Bounced, Dropped, Unknown
Please Note: SMS stats only include unknown, delivered, and bounced.
How to Edit and View Individual Blast Details
Select Messaging from the left-hand menu.
Select Blasts from the Messaging menu.
Click on the Blast you'd like to view or edit.
If it's a Scheduled or Draft Blast: You can make updates to your Blast and Save changes, Send Now or Send Later.
If it's a Sent Blast: You can view detailed stats for each recipient by clicking View All.
🌟 Tithely Tip: From here, a message can be sent to an individual recipient by clicking the airplane icon next to the recipient's name.
How to Use Filters and Search
The search function allows you to search keywords used within your Blast name. Simply Type into the search bar to search.
Please Note: At this time, the search does not include SMS/Email Messages, Name on SMS, Email Subject, Recipients or dates.
How to Use Filters
You can filter your Blasts by selecting one type and one status.
Please Note: Filtering only allows for one type and/or one status to be selected at a time.
Click on + Filter.
Select your Type and or Status.
Type: SMS or Email.
Status: Scheduled, Draft, Sent, Sending, or Archived.
Need to Remove a Filter?
You will notice the filter items beside the ' + Filter' button with each item selected. To remove filter items, click the 'x' beside the item you want to remove.
Delivery Statuses
Status | Meaning |
Delivered |
The message has been delivered. |
Read | The message has been delivered and opened |
Clicked | The message has been delivered, opened, and clicked. |
Bounced | The receiving server could not or would not accept mail to this recipient permanently. The message is dropped if a recipient has previously unsubscribed from your emails. |
Unknown |
If the Blast Stats shows "Unknown" it is because our system did not receive a delivered receipt from the cellular carrier. This can be due to multiple reasons such as the individual opting out of delivered receipts and/or their cell carrier do not send delivered receipts. It is marked as Unknown because the Messaging knows that it was sent and that it did not bounce, but is not aware whether the message was delivered. |
Dropped |
A message may be dropped for the following reasons: Spam Content (if Spam Checker app is enabled), Unsubscribed Address, Bounced Address, Spam Reporting Address, Invalid, Recipient List over Package Quota |