Managing Your Subscriptions

Managing your subscription is made possible in the Billings section of your account. You are able to cancel any of your subscriptions at any time. Canceling your subscriptions does not cancel your free giving account. In this article, we will review how to cancel the Sites, Messaging, Apps, Check Scanning, and Elvanto Subscriptions. 

Tithely Tip

Downgrading your subscriptions will not affect your free giving account. You will continue to have access to Giving, People, Events, Pay, and Media.

Canceling A Subscription 

  1. Log into Tithely as an Account Owner or Admin. 
  2. Select Global Settings.
    Note: This is the person icon in the navigation menu. 
  3. Select Billing
  4. Select Subscriptions.
  5. Select Cancel.
    Note: You can only downgrade one subscription at a time.
  6. Select Continue.
  7. Review your new monthly payment.


    Removing subscriptions may affect your applied discounts. Please carefully review your new monthly cost before submitting any changes.

  8. Select Confirm

You will continue to have access to your subscription until the end of the billing cycle. Once a new cycle has started you will lose access to any unsubscribed products. You will continue to have access to your giving account and other free tools from Tithely.