Associating an Event, Blog or News Post to a Ministry allows that Event/Blog/News Post to appear under the corresponding Ministry page.
Associate with a Ministry
- Edit the Event or News Post (if already created) or create a new Event or News Post.
- Go to the Associated Program field and click on the drop-down menu to choose the corresponding Ministry.
Note: The Ministry will already need to be created first for you to associate an Event or News Post to it. - Click Save.
How long will associated events, blogs, and news show on Ministry pages?
- Associated Events will begin to display when the event is within 90 days and will display until the event has passed
- Associated Blog and News posts will display for 180 days after publication.
Example of Event Showing on Ministry Page:
User Permissions needed to access Sites
Account Owner, Admin, Limited Acess User with permissions granted for Sites, or Admin Permissions granted directly on the Tithely Site. If you have additional questions, please reference this article.