As you begin to prepare for launching your new giving solution, we highly suggest with starting to get your staff & key leaders on board. Start by introducing Tithely to them & asking them to give a test donation. This creates natural buy-in. You genuinely want to hear valuable feedback from your team about the process & by sharing the "Why" behind the switch, it will help show them the value of the switch.
In your next staff meeting, share "why" you switched your giving provider, or if you have never had online giving, share with your team "why" you are providing online giving now. Ask them to give a test donation and let them know that you will send them an email after your staff meeting with instructions on how to donate. Below are some samples that you can copy and paste into your email to send to your team. You will want to change anything in parenthesis with the correct information.
Sample Email for Your Staff (Giving & App)
"Hey Team,
As we talked about in our staff meeting, we are switching our giving platform from {Previous Giving Platform Name} to Tithely. We are also getting our own custom Church App through them as well & we believe that having our own Church App will help increase engagement with our congregation Monday - Friday. If you can help our finance team out and click the link below to give a test donation on Tithely & please share your feedback about the experience with us. As we roll out Tithely to our congregation in the next {4-6 weeks}, it will only make the launch smoother when our whole team knows how to setup a donation on our new giving platform. Also, we want our core volunteers to have the ability to test this out before we launch church-wide. Please feel free to forward this email or share the giving link with your key volunteers.
Give a test donation by going to {Insert Church Giving Link Here} OR download the "Tithely" App on your smartphone and select our church to give.
Pastor {Name}"
Sample Email for Your Staff (Giving Only)
"Hey Team,
As we talked about in our staff meeting, we are switching our giving platform from {Previous Giving Platform Name} to Tithely. If you can help out our finance team and click the link below to give a test donation on Tithely & please share your feedback about the experience with us. As we roll out Tithely to our congregation in the next {4-6 weeks}, it will only make the launch smoother when our whole team knows how to setup a donation on our new giving platform. Also, we want our core volunteers to have the ability to test this out before we launch church-wide. Please feel free to forward this email or share the giving link with your key volunteers.
Give a test donation by going to {Insert Church Giving Link Here} OR download the "Tithely" App on your smartphone and select our church to give.
Pastor {Name}"
The 4 Steps to Unleash Generosity Overview
Step 1: Getting Buy-In From Your Team
Step 3: Launching Your Custom Church App
Step 4: Launch Weekend & Beyond