How to Customize Colors and Fonts on the Giving Form

The Tithely Giving Form allows you to customize colors, fonts, and even button shapes to make the Giving Form match the look of your church website and branding. This document walks through how to updating the styling of your Giving Form.


  1. Log into Tithely as an Admin.
  2. Select Giving.
  3. Select Giving Form.
  4. Select Styles.
  5. While on the Styles Tab you'll be able to edit:
    • Select location

      Tithely Tip

      Every location has a unique link and embed code, along with style settings. Users can access the specific link or embed code by selecting the location in the drop down menu.Screen Shot 2023-07-06 at 12.34.45 PM copy 2.png

    • Shape
    • Fonts
    • Primary Color
    • Secondary Color
  6. Select Save Changes.
The Tithely Giving Form provides a convenient solution for churches to customize the appearance of their Giving Form according to their website's branding. By utilizing this feature, churches can create a cohesive look and feel, ensuring a seamless giving experience for their members. Additionally, each location's unique link, embed code, and style settings offer flexibility and easy access for users to contribute to their preferred church location.