Everything you need to know about logos and favicons on Tithely sites.
Logo Dimensions and File Type
The ideal dimensions should be a minimum of 600px wide.
The ideal file type is a transparent PNG, which will allow the background to come through the logo. The resolution can be 96 PPI or higher. If finding a transparent PNG file isn't viable, then using a JPEG is also possible if there is no background applied to the menu area.
How to Upload Your Logo or Favicon
These are instructions are for any site with Site Design activated.
- Login to your Tithely account and select Sites from the left menu. Or login to your site directly.
- Click on the Admin button at the top right of your website and select Design from the dropdown.
- Select Logo from the left menu.
From here, you can upload your logo and favicon. For the logo, we recommend uploading a full color and a white version (logo alternative). - Click Save Logo and Favicon at the bottom of the page. As soon as the updates are saved, you will see the updated logo displayed on your website.
What Is a Favicon?
A favicon is a page icon associated with your website, as seen in the example below. These icons are displayed in the browser tab.
How to Change the Size of Your Logo
- Login to your Tithely account and select Sites from the left menu. Or login to your site directly.
- Click on the Admin button at the top right of your website and select Design from the dropdown.
- Select Main Menu from the left menu.
- Scroll down to Logo Size and select the size you'd like your logo to be.
User Permissions needed to access Sites
Account Owner, Admin, Limited Acess User with permissions granted for Sites, or Admin Permissions granted directly on the Tithely Site. If you have additional questions, please reference this article.