Ascend Customer Migrating to Billing

It is with great excitement that we can finally move all Ascend customers over to billing! Ascend and joined forces as one company and because of this, we are able to offer all customers much lower pricing and all website features that are available on the platform. - July 2020

Why Migrate to Tithely?

Five key things you should know.

What will the new pricing be?

  • To take advantage of pricing, you must use Giving. Sites are only $19 /month USD and include all features at no additional charge.

How will I be charged?

  • Subscriptions are paid monthly via credit card.

How are add-on Website Features handled?

  • Your church will have unlimited access to all features such as the Sermon Player and Podcasting, Livestream, Email Newsletter, and Plan Your Visit.
  • These features previously cost $9-$29 a month. Sites includes all features at no additional charge in order to serve your community in a new way.

‍Do you have any partnership discounts?

I’ve already paid for the year. What happens to my prepaid months?

  • We will credit your account with the months that you have prepaid. We will take into account any add-ons, and price differences.

What are my next steps?

Stage 1: Create & Login to your Tithely Account Giving must be used by your church to take advantage of all the benefits.

Already have a Giving Account?

Great! We are excited that you’re already taking advantage of Giving! Go ahead and log into your account and jump straight to stage 2 (below).

Haven’t yet signed up for your Free Giving Account?

Get started for free today. No setup fee. No monthly fee. No contract. No credit card required!

Sign Up Free Today

If you're a PAOC church, click this link.

Learn more about Giving

Stage 2: Connect Your Website to your Tithely Account

  1. Within your Dashboard, select Sites, add Sites subscription ($19/mo USD), and credit card details.
  2. At the bottom of the next window you'll see the following, “Click here if you're an existing Ascend Customer” click on the link to start connecting your website to your account.
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  3. Enter your churches website domain.
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  4. Proceed to log into your website. To complete this step, you will need an Admin User account on your website.
    This step will link your website to your account. You’ll now be able to take advantage of all the features such as Sermon Player, Email Newsletter, and more!

Please allow 30 days for our billing department to calculate and apply a credit to your account to reflect what you may have already paid to Ascend. Our team will contact you directly with the details of your credit. We thank you for your continued patience as we work through this process with 500+ customers.