How to Preview Your Website Before Going Live

Ever wondered how to preview your website's pages on Tithely before making them live? Whether you're refining existing content or setting up new pages, ensuring everything looks perfect pre-publication is crucial. This guide walks you through the steps to preview your pages either by temporarily unpublishing them or setting them as password-protected. This way, you can make real-time edits and ensure your site's visitors only see your best work.


How to Preview A Page Before Publishing

  • Unpublished

    1. Log into Tithely.
    2. Select Sites.
    3. Navigate to the page you would like to unpublish.
    4. Select the Pencil icon in the top left to edit the page. 
    5. Scroll down to the bottom of the pop up and uncheck Publish.
    6. Select Save Page.
      Note: This will immediately unpublish your page and allow you to continue editing your website previewing in real time.
  • Password Protected

    1. Log into Tithely.
    2. Select Sites.
    3. Navigate to the page you would like to unpublish.
    4. Select the Pencil icon in the top left to edit the page. 
    5. Scroll down to the bottom of the pop up and enter a Password.
      Note: To remove a password simply remove any text from the password text box. 
    6. Select Save Page.
      Note: This will immediately password protect this page and allow you to continue editing your website previewing in real time.