Donor FAQs for the updated Tithely Giving App

This article provides clarity on some questions donors may have about the new and improved Tithely Giving App.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Why does the App look different?
    • The new and improved Tithely Giving App available for iOS (Android coming soon!) is now a black icon with a green leaf (previously it was a green icon with a white leaf). 


  • Why do I have to login again?
    • With the new app comes new security features to enhance the safety of your information! This means you will likely need to sign in with your email and phone number the first time you open the new app. After that, you should be able to login with just your PIN Number.


  • My Giving History is missing, what happened?
    • Your Giving History is specific to the church location you are currently viewing. If you've donated to other churches, you will need to access their respective giving history to review contributions made to them. Learn more here: Viewing Your Giving History In The Tithely Giving App